Aero Expo Wycombe Air Park June 2010

The LAA Marquee offered a respite from the fierce sun outside, and a chance for a sit-down and chat

The RAeS/Boeing Schools Build-a-Plane Challenge from Yateley was on display and attracting much attention

The Optica has reappeared with fresh capital and a determination to take it further 

Who's going to get the chance to unwrap this present?


On Saturday night there was a salvo of over 20 Chinese Lanterns that flew quite quickly across the airfield, but this one ran short of fuel and landed on the field, luckily not on any aircraft, or it might have ended unhappily.


This young man wants to cut the surly bonds of Earth ...

G-SPDY Spirit of Devon Youth was built by Devon Scouts and Air-Cadets, and was able to fly in;  
Steve Robson and Sharon Noble prepare to return to Devon in it

Collected from temporary loan to Royal Berks Strut, the YES Spitfire pedal plane sets off for its next commitment at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford, where it will rejoin the Tiger Moth in the Build-a-Plane Bus.


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